Enter your address

Let's check which plans are available at your home.


Review and confirm your address

Multiple addresses found

It seems we have multiple adresses at the location. Verify your address below to continue.

Address check in progress

Looking up your address... just a moment, please!

My address

Service unavailable

We're sorry, but our services are currently not available at your address. We encourage you to check back with us in the future.

Service unavailable


It looks like you might already have a service with iPrimus. Give us a call on 131 789 if you’d like to change your plan.

Technical issue

We're sorry, but we are experiencing a problem with our system. Please try again later.

Service unavailable

Technical issue

Oops, it looks like there is a hitch with getting you started. Please try refreshing the page or for help call 131 789.

Service unavailable


iPrimus internet is available at your address on the network.

This plan is not available at your address

However, we have other great options for you! Check out our available plans below and find the perfect fit for your needs.

Your plan selection